Five Exercises you should avoid

Most people believe that all exercises are good, safe and effective. After all, it’s all exercise, and that has to count for something, doesn’t it?

Some of the exercises you are doing right now may even be detrimental to your body. As important as exercise is to our health, it is even more important that we do only what is beneficial and scrap the rest. Here are a few types of exercises that are useless, inefficient, or just plain dangerous.

So what makes an exercise risky? Here are a few tips to look out for:

    Any unusual or “unnatural” movement pattern in the exercise
    Any movement that causes pain or discomfort in any way
    Any movement that enhances muscular imbalances that are already present
    Any movement that requires joint flexibility that is above and beyond your range of motion
    Any exercise with risks of injury that outweigh the potential benefit of the exercise itself

5 Exercises You Should Never Do

    Posterior (Behind-the-Neck) Pull Downs
    Behind-the-Neck Shoulder Presses
    Straight Ball Curls
    Leg Extensions

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